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![]() If you wander around the cleared area on Jungle Island you're sure to come across this axe. Obviously the axe was used by villagers in clearing the area, but using an axe to cut down trees as thick as those on Riven would be a laborious task indeed. The Rivenese would have needed some form of saw. Since Riven has a completely different culture to ours you would expect their saws to look completely different. If you look closely you should see a small handle lying near the axe. Also hard to see is the wire which most likely connects to another handle. This wire would be highly abrasive and ![]() |
![]() When you first approach the gate to enter the jungle from the cleared area you'll notice a golden beetle crawling up the post. Have a closer look and you'll see that it is one of the beetles that Gehn gets ingredients for his ink from. If you pass your hand over the beetle it will fly away, providing an important clue for later on. If you miss the clue first time around, don't worry, the beetles make multiple appearances throughout the jungle area. They will fly through your field of vision in sweeping paths, or hover around the lights at the edge of the paths. ![]() |
![]() An example of Riven's instability can be seen on the Jungle Island. If you stop on the stairs leading up to the sentry grotto and look down and to the sides, you'll see a glowing hot lava pit. With things like this appearing on the surface it can't be too long before the whole island collapses. Note the red 'roses' surrounding the pit, which seem to thrive on the heat. The villagers pick these and take them to the Temple as offerings to the Wahrk. |
![]() If, when you first enter the sentry grotto leading to the village, you come down the stairs from the cleared area, you'll see something most people don't find. As you enter, a small group of birds will be startled and fly away. It's hard to capture this moment in a screen-shot, but you can just make out one of them in this picture, highlighted next to the sentry post as it darts into the sky. |
![]() Sitting on one of the desks in the villagers school is a strange five segmented fruit. Even though the fruit has these five segments and is strangely purple, there doesn't seem to be anything too out of the ordinary about it. You might be surprised however to find out where it grows. In the jungle you will find some rather large mushrooms. These mushrooms have some strange ![]() |
![]() The Wahrk Totem hidden in the forest serves two purposes. It both provides Gehn access to his 'secret' areas (ie. the lower MagLev station and the upper levels of the jungle), and it stops the villagers from finding these same areas. Due to Gehn's almost sadistic use of the Wahrk as both a symbol and a sacrificing tool, the villagers have developed a great respect and fear of the giant sea creature, so much so that they are almost petrified at the sight of either it, or it's likeness. It would be very unlikely for them to even approach this totem, let alone step into it's open mouth. |
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![]() As you wander through the village entrance cave you may notice the mural on the wall. Although it's slightly difficult to make out, this mural depicts Gehn's horrible treatment of those that he deems have been unfaithful to his 'religion', or even those who just step-out-of-line, so to speak. In the centre is a figure meant to represent Gehn. At the bottom are two hungry Wahrks waiting to be fed with the two hapless villagers being held above. Above the figure is a five-pointed star enclosed in a circle, making a scaled down version of Gehn's symbol. |
![]() When you first enter the village through the main entrance you will surprise some of the villagers. Even though they have had fair warning from the sentry posts, there are still a few stragglers that haven't made it to their huts. You can see some villagers near the submarine and another crawling into one of the huts. The most notable however, is the little girl playing on the lower walkway. Obviously blind to the 'danger' that the other villagers perceive, it takes her mother to come down and carry her off to safety. |
![]() To gain access to most of the huts found in the village, the villagers would have to get on their hands and knees and crawl through the door in the front. There are a few exceptions however. In a couple of places the huts are built against the crater walls, some of these huts have trap doors. The villagers must climb up ladders to get to them and enter through the floor. Most likely these huts are built around recesses in the rock to give the occupants more interior room. |
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![]() When you climb up the ladder in the village you'll come face to face with one of the huts. If you approach that hut you'll find that the door has a knocker on it. So go ahead and knock! :o) If you knock five times (ie. the magic number), one of the occupants will open up a small peephole. After a few seconds of looking at you scornfully she'll slam it shut, never to be seen again. How rude! |
![]() You may have noticed that the villagers wear clothes :o) So of course they also have to wash them, ![]() |
![]() Before you pull the lever to lower the sub why not go in and get a closer look. While it's up you can still open the hatch ![]() |
![]() The various 'sub-stations' in the village lake are situated in some strange holes in the water. It appears as if Gehn has created them, but this is not the case. As you should know, Riven's water has a strong aversion to heat. These 'holes' are actually caused by thermal heated gas rising from the ocean floor. Gehn has simply taken advantage of them, and if you look around the lake you will even see other holes that he hasn't used. |
![]() In order for Gehn to recreate his version of the D'ni civilisation he needs to write thousands of ages. He can't however, do it all by himself. To make the process quicker he has gone about teaching select members of the Rivenese villagers to write in D'ni for him. At first he only had a small 'guild' of villagers doing this. Now he is teaching the children while their minds are still 'malleable'. He is cautious not to teach them enough that they can write ages themselves though, but the clever ones, or more specifically Catherine, was able to gain Gehn's trust and learn the secrets he was hiding from the rest. |
![]() The 'teachings' scribbled on the schoolroom blackboard are just another example of the propaganda Gehn uses on the villagers, only here it's being beaten into Riven's young minds. In D'ni it says... gehn kehnehn nahvahot gehn komahrnehn seht gehn kodormahdehn aytris Which translated means... Gehn is our master Gehn created us Gehn defeated Atrus |
![]() Just like in any school, teachers tend to give their students unexpected tests. Sitting on one of the tables in the school room is just one of these tests. This particular spelling test consisted of ten different words. If you look closely however, you'll see that one of the words is wrong and has been corrected by the teacher. It's kind of ironic to note that this particular word is actually the name of Riven's god, Gehn. |
![]() This game takes a fairly macabre form though as it's meant to be a ![]() |
![]() When you arrive at the top of the Wahrk gallows you'll come across a small prison cell. Look closely into the cell and you'll find that it is currently occupied. However, unlike many this cells past occupants, this man isn't about to be fed to the Wahrk. The 'prisoner' is actually a rebel maintenance man, working on the hidden door that leads to the Moiety tunnels from inside the prison. He hears you operating the gallows machinery below, and suspecting that you'll be coming up soon, pretends to be asleep. He then sneaks through the passage and escapes while you're watching the cell open. He goes on to warn the rest of the Moiety in Tay, which is why they're waiting for you in the linking cave when you arrive. He also disabled the lights in the tunnel and closed the door, in an attempt to lead you astray. |
![]() If you look closely at the wheel used to unlock the jail cell above the Wahrk gallows, you can see some very small D'ni writing. It's too hard to make out and translate so no-one, except maybe somebody at Cyan, knows exactly what it says. It's pretty safe to assume however that it's some sort of ominous quote made to glorify Gehn or intimidate the villagers with fear. It could even be something condemning the prisoner or stating the righteousness of Gehn's cause. |
![]() The linking book to the Rebel age Tay is well hidden. Firstly you have to find the entrance to the Moiety's secret tunnels, and then solve a complex puzzle. This level of security was most important to the Moiety. If Gehn were ever to gain access to their age, he would most certainly kill them all. When you find the linking cave you still need to solve the puzzle before you find the book. At the end of the cave is a strange pool of water floating vertically against the wall. Behind this pool can be seen a panel with the Moiety dagger symbol on it. When you solve the puzzle the water will slowly move away from the panel which then slides up revealing the linking book. If you turn around you will find that the water has flowed along channels to the back of the room, and is now floating around the cave entrance. |
![]() To write a safe refuge for the rebels to escape to, Catherine had to get her hands on one of Gehn's descriptive books called 'kormahn'. In a stroke of luck, a few years before hand, one of the Moiety had stolen a book from Gehn. Since, as with all of Gehn's books, it was defective Gehn had discarded it. He was unable to link to the age he had written, and so had intended to destroy the book. To do so he had thrown it in his fire-place to burn. Fortunately for the Moiety only the edges of the pages had been burnt, and it seemed mostly intact. Catherine went about modifying the age and creating a way to power the book. When all was complete, the Moiety linked to the new age. Since the Moiety were unable to steal a linking book to use in the descriptive books place, the burnt book is still being used in the linking cave from Riven. |
Since a lot of the information I have put up here is based on my own interpretations, some of it may be incorrect. If you think there is a problem with anything here, please fill out this form, and send it to me. Or, if you have anything that you think I should add, also please fill out this form. Thank you. |
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